Category: Blog

November: A Time for Awareness

November not only marks the beginning of shorter days and longer nights, it is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month! Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. among both men and women. Here at Digestive Health Specialists, our providers see patients for pancreatic problems in addition to a multitude of digestive issues. It is important to be aware of the risk factors for pancreatic cancer, especially ones that can be modified by lifestyle.

What is an Endoscopy?

Have you recently been told by your doctor you need an Endoscopy? Have you been scheduled for one and still curious about the procedure? Questions are expected. Here at Digestive Health Specialists many of our patients call back after scheduling an EGD with questions that they may have forgotten to ask in the office. We accept those questions with open arms because we want to make sure our patients are 100% comfortable with everything prior to the day of their procedure.

How does your diet affect constipation?

Constipation can be a horrible feeling. It can be especially difficult when you haven’t passed any stool for several days and you begin to feel very full. Many patients who are constipated can treat their own symptoms without even coming to the office. One of the most essential ingredients in the “constipation free potion” is water – you probably knew that was coming!

“My insurance won’t pay for a colonoscopy”

Do you think you can’t afford a colonoscopy?  You aren’t sure how much your insurance would cover or even if they would cover at all?  Or maybe you don’t even have insurance?! We understand.  For some the thought of having another bill or more debt hanging over their head is the last thing they want.  But, what if we told you that your insurance may cover it?! And, what if we told the ones that are self-pay that we can set you up on a monthly payment plan that fits your budget?  Well, we can!

We portal! Do you portal?

What is “portal” you may ask!?  It is the “patient portal!!”  Here at Digestive Health Specialists we really encourage our patients to create their own patient portal and it is very easy to do!  “When checking in for appointments their email address is verified on the Phreesia Pad,” mentioned Jessie Mabe, Patient Access Specialist. “…then with one click of my mouse an email is sent straight to the patient with a pin code and instructions on how to set up their own patient portal account!

Move it on up!

Are you putting your first colonoscopy on the bottom of your “to-do” list? Is the reason because you are afraid of what the doctor might possibly find?  Yes, the worst case “findings” would be colon cancer.  But, what you must remember is colon cancer is extremely treatable when detected early.  Moving up a colonoscopy on your “to-do” list could save your life.  It can be extremely easy to put off this type of procedure because the unknown can be easy to avoid.

Run, Run Run- Join DHS on March 7th!

On Saturday, March 7th Digestive Health Specialists staff will be participating in the “Get Your Rear in Gear” Walk/Run. Monies raised will stay in our community, helping with prevention, early detection and treatment, and healthy living projects for colon cancer. Event Date & Location: Saturday March 7th 2015 Registration at 2:00pm / Walk Starts at […]

“A colonoscopy is just too embarrassing!”

Are you embarrassed to have a colonoscopy?  Not wanting to shed the undies to possibly save your life?  Yes, it may be a little embarrassing but we work hard to insure your privacy and comfort throughout the entire procedure.  Our caring and friendly nursing staff will greet you with a smile and guide you through the entire process.  Our experienced physicians perform thousands of procedure per year, but they treat each individual patient with the utmost of privacy and respect.