T-Shirt Contest 2023

no ifs ands or butts about it t-shirt design

We are happy to announce the winner of our contest for the official Digestive Health team t-shirts for Get Your Rear in Gear Winston-Salem 2023. The winning design came from Brittany!  Join us on March 25, 2023, for GYRIG and see our new t-shirts in person!

Thank you to everyone who participated.

We challenged our staff to a contest for the best design of the back of the Digestive Health team t-shirts for Get Your Rear in Gear Winston-Salem 2023. We need your help in selecting the top 2 shirts, which will go on head-to-head for staff votes.

Please select your favorite shirt design from the list below. We request 1 vote per person, per day.

CONTEST ENDS January 27, 2023.

You can click on the t-shirt image to enlarge it.

love your colon t-shirt designwhat's up your butt t-shirt design1 in 23 men and 1 in 25 women t-shirt designGet Your Rear in Gear 2023 t-shirt designGet Screened t-shirt designWe love screened colons t-shirt designno ifs ands or butts about it t-shirt designYou have...to do t-shirt designFight for your colon t-shirt designSaving lives one colon at a time t-shirt designLets' win this race together t-shirt design


If you would like to join our team, you can still do so at the link: Get Your Rear in Gear Winston-Salem 2023